New Users
The administration and staff at Yelm Community Schools recognize that many parents/guardians would like to play a greater role in their child’s education. To make it easier for you to get involved, each parent/guardian is provided the ability to view their student’s information anytime, day or night.
Skywrd/Family Access Login
There is also a link to Family Access at the top of every page on this website.
Password Criteria
In an effort to improve login security of Skyward, your Family/Student Access password needs to meet the following requirements:
• 8-15 characters
• One character must be a capital letter
• One character must be a lower case letter
• One character must be special (e.g. #,%,+,=,$,&,@,?,!)
• Numbers can be used, but all the above must also be met
Forgot Password
If you forget your password, go to the login page to recover account information. Your will receive an email to reset your password. You can also update your email and contact phone number. Please ask school office staff if you need assistance.