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Military Families

Supporting Military Families

To better address the needs of active duty and recently separated military families and students, our District has two Military and Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) to provide school-based services.   MFLCs provide short-term, non-medical problem solving counseling and support to assist children and youth, parents, family members and school staff.  With the exception of duty to warn, these services are strictly confidential and are not affiliated with any one branch of military service.

Parents will need to sign and return the consent form for students to opt in for MFLC services.  The consent form can be returned directly to your child's school office or counseling center. 
Military Consent Form (English | Spanish)
Common topics addressed include:
  • School Adjustment
  • Deployment and separation
  • Reunion adjustment 
  • Sibling and parent-child communication
  • Behavioral concerns
  • Fear, grief and loss
  • Daily life issues
  • Outreach to parents

Local and National Resources

Military/Family Life Counselors

Lackamas Elementary School and Southworth Elementary School (during the school year)
Carline Dally, LMHC 360.972.5751
Yelm Middle School and Yelm High School (during the school year)
Desiree Argentina, LMHC 253.344.0957

Consultation services are available for all other Yelm Community Schools where an MFLC is not assigned.