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Student Handbook

YES Mission & Vision

The mission of the Yelm Extension School (YES) is to provide a supportive and challenging educational environment which allows for flexible learning opportunities for its students so that they may become self-sufficient, productive members of their community.

We agree that:

  • All individuals at YES deserve to be treated with dignity and in a fair and consistent manner.
  • The learning environment will provide an atmosphere of respect, personal growth, and safety for the students and staff.
  • As part of supporting student success, we will assist in the development of goals students will set for themselves, then evaluate and communicate progress towards these goals on a regular basis.
  • Workplace skills such as responsibility, reliability, respect, initiative, accountability, teamwork, goal-setting, etc., are a part of the work world our students will enter.  With this in mind, we have patterned many of our policies and practices to reinforce these critical job-related skills.         

YES Student Handbook (English | Spanish)

*Handbooks are subject to change throughout the year based on board policy, OSPI Guidelines or State & Federal Laws.

Handbook Sections