Student Handbook
YES Mission & Vision
The mission of the Yelm Extension School (YES) is to provide a supportive and challenging educational environment which allows for flexible learning opportunities for its students so that they may become self-sufficient, productive members of their community.
We agree that:
- All individuals at YES deserve to be treated with dignity and in a fair and consistent manner.
- The learning environment will provide an atmosphere of respect, personal growth, and safety for the students and staff.
- As part of supporting student success, we will assist in the development of goals students will set for themselves, then evaluate and communicate progress towards these goals on a regular basis.
- Workplace skills such as responsibility, reliability, respect, initiative, accountability, teamwork, goal-setting, etc., are a part of the work world our students will enter. With this in mind, we have patterned many of our policies and practices to reinforce these critical job-related skills.
YES Student Handbook (English | Spanish)
*Handbooks are subject to change throughout the year based on board policy, OSPI Guidelines or State & Federal Laws.
Handbook Sections
- Introduction
- Program Design
- Optimal Learning Environment
- Attendance Information
- Discipline
- Parent Involvement
- School Procedures
- Student Learning
- Student Support & Services
The Yelm Extension School is an off-campus program of choice offered by the Yelm School District to provide high school students with an option to the traditional program. Credits are awarded based on successful completion of each .5 course contract. We are goal oriented, yet provide our students with a friendly, congenial atmosphere. Respecting human dignity and valuing each individual are cornerstones to the foundation of Yelm Extension School. As a member of our school, each student will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, religion, creed or economic status. Students are expected to treat each person, staff and fellow students alike, in a manner consistent with these ideals.
Program Design
We see relationships and communication as vital components in helping students succeed at YES. Therefore, each student is assigned to a team teacher/leader upon entry. Teams are mixed grades and assigned randomly, according to availability. Your team teacher/leader will advise you, help you with coursework and evaluate your progress toward your learning goals. Feel free to seek help with homework from any of the staff. You need not go exclusively to your team teacher/leader for help.
The YES program allows for flexibility in school scheduling and program delivery. Courses are worth .5 credit, and are given a deadline for completion. You may work as quickly as you desire to complete courses ahead of time, as long as your work is satisfactory. If you were to do so, it would provide the opportunity to receive new courses at an accelerated rate.
The YES campus is an “Open Campus”. Students attend the time they are scheduled and leave when those periods end. While attending, a student may choose to leave campus during break or lunch times, but must return before the next period begins if they plan on attending that period. If a student chooses to leave campus, they do so at their own risk and accept all responsibility for doing so.
The YES program provides students with a variety of options. Students may take all their high school classes at the Extension School. They may attend the New Market Skills Center (vocational training) part-time and YES part-time. Running Start is also an option available to YES students. For any students who work full or part-time, scheduling options are available. Staff approval will require a verifiable work schedule and contact person at the student’s place of employment.
Optimal Learning Environment
Yelm Community Schools embraces the diversity within our schools and seeks to create a nurturing and barrier-free learning environment for each student. To achieve this goal we commit to:
- Preparing our students to thrive in a multicultural and diverse society.
- Ensuring fair, equitable and inclusive principles are integrated into our policies, programs, operations and practices.
- Creating school and classroom cultures that are free of bias-based language or behaviors.
- Eliminating barriers that perpetuate negative outcomes.
- Providing all students the resources, opportunities and supports needed to succeed at high levels.
- Honoring and building upon the strengths and assets of every student.
- Welcoming and engaging families and community members as essential partners.
Attendance Information
A large part of our job at YES is to help prepare you to meet the challenges you will face in the “real” world, especially on the job. Two of the most important job skills cited by today’s employers as essential in their employees are reliability (being on the job when expected) and timeliness (getting to work on time). We at YES encourage the development of these skills by requiring mandatory attendance consistent with State alternative regulations. Attendance at YES is treated as though this were a job for our students.
Since attendance is, for the most part, related to success in school, it is your responsibility to report to your study area on time and avoid absences unless absolutely necessary. Each student is expected to attend according to his/her attendance plan. Lack of attendance or academic success may require a plan revision. As with a job, calling in when ill or unable to come to “work” (school), is an important responsibility.
The rules contained herein are meant to regulate student conduct at school, at all school-sponsored activities, and off-campus that adversely affects the school-learning climate. Depending on the circumstance of the student’s violation, school authorities may, in compliance with state law and the rules of the State Board of Education, Chapter 180-40 WAC, impose discipline. District Policies are available in the Student Rights & Responsibility Handbook.
Discipline procedures will follow district policies.
Student Conduct – Policy 3240
Classroom Management, Discipline & Corrective Action – Policy 3241
Exceptional Misconduct – Policy 3241
Student Sexual Harassment – Policy 3205
Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Products & Delivery Devices – Policy 4215
District Policies are available in the on the website.
We recognize that some students may make a mistake in judgment as they make choices about living up to the workplace standards expected in our school. At YES, we view these situations as learning opportunities for students. The handling of discipline cases is intended to address the infraction and possible solutions for the individual students involved while at the same time protecting the rights of the total student body. Our goal is to assist students in learning to make good choices for themselves, the school, and their future. Students will be assured due process according to the laws of the State of Washington.
Any member of the YES staff, the staff hearings board or the high school administration has the authority to correct misconduct at any time. The following disciplinary measures are commonly used at YES:
- Verbal warning
- Parent notification
- Student conference
- Conference with parent
- Removal from class
- Sent home for the day
- Short-term suspension
- Long-term suspension
- Expulsion
Any action taken by an individual staff member or the hearings board may be appealed to the high school principal.
Note that a suspension from YES is a suspension from all school activities: on-campus classes at Yelm High School, classes at New Market Skills Center, classes at YES, and any other school-related activities such as field trips, dances, etc. We cannot overemphasize the serious consequences of failure to fulfill student obligations or follow building rules.
- CrimeStoppers 1.800.222.TIPS (8477)
- Dress Code
- Harassment, Intimindation and Bullying (HIB)
- Student Conduct
- Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
CrimeStoppers 1.800.222.TIPS (8477)
- Calling 800-222-TIPS(8477)
- Submitting Online at
- Download the P3 App to your mobile device
As always, tipsters remain 100% anonymous and could possibly be rewarded up to $1,000. Remember to save your “tip number” in order to follow up and receive a reward. Anyone having knowledge about dangerous situations or crimes (past, present or future) can report a tip.
Dress Code
In order to facilitate learning for all students, YCS requires that student dress and appearance follow health and safety standards and not cause disruption to the learning environment. Students who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to change their clothing, cover up, and/or contact home if necessary.
Heads: K-5 students must remove all headwear while in the building. Headwear includes hats, hoods, headbands with animal ears, bandanas and head wraps. (Exceptions will be made for medical, religious and other approved reasons.)
Torso: Clothing must cover stomachs, backs, shoulders, chests and undergarments.
Legs: Shorts, skirts and dresses must be longer than mid-thigh. Undergarments must be covered.
Feet: Footwear must be worn at all times appropriate to the activity. Strapless shoes and high heels are discouraged for safety.
- Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, is sexually suggestive, or displays inappropriate pictures or writing is prohibited.
- Any clothing worn in a manner identified as gang related is prohibited.
- Jewelry that can pose safety hazards is prohibited.
- Exceptions to dress code standards may be made for PE or school activities.
What students wear does affect the way they think about, and behave toward, their tasks at school, their peers, and adults. Please consider this as you help your child make appropriate choices for school clothes.
Harassment, Intimindation and Bullying (HIB)
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities.
View the full definition of HIB, Sexual Harassment, Civil Rights and Gender Inclusive procedures.
Student Conduct
At YES, as with any job site, appropriate workplace behaviors are expected. You will have a lot of freedom in this program. Conduct yourself as a mature person, and you will be treated as one. In addition to the YES Program Guide, please refer to the Yelm High School Student Handbook for a complete breakdown of rules governing Yelm High School students. Remember, we are a department of Yelm High School; therefore, all school district and Yelm High School student conduct guidelines apply to YES students.
Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices
The board of directors recognizes that to protect students from exposure to the addictive substance of nicotine, employees and officers of the school district, and all members of the community, have an obligation as role models to refrain from use of tobacco products and delivery devices on school property at all times. Tobacco products and delivery devices include, but are not limited to cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, electronic smoking/vapor devices, “vapor pens,” non-prescribed inhalers, nicotine delivery devices, or chemicals that are not FDA-approved to help people quit using tobacco, devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances and any other smoking equipment device, material or innovation.
Any use of such products and delivery devices by staff, students, visitors or community members will be prohibited on school district property. Possession by, or distribution of tobacco products to minors is prohibited. This will include all district buildings, grounds and district-owned vehicles.
The use of Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved nicotine replacement therapy in the form of a nicotine patch, gum or lozenge is permitted. However, students and employees must follow applicable policies regarding use of medication at school.
Notices advising students, district employees, students and community members of this policy will be posted in appropriate locations in all district buildings and at other district facilities as determined by the superintendent and will be included in the employee and student handbooks. Employees and students are subject to discipline for violations of this policy, and school district employees are responsible for the enforcement of the policy.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
In addition to individual rights established by law and district policies, students served by or on behalf of Yelm Community Schools will have the right to
- High educational standards in a safe and sanitary building;
- Education consistent with stated district goals;
- Equal educational opportunity and in all aspects of the educational process freedom from discrimination based on economic status, pregnancy, marital status, sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability;
- Access to their own education records at reasonable school times upon request;
- Fair and just treatment from school authorities and freedom from mistreatment and physical abuse;
- Freedom from unlawful interference in their pursuit of an education while in the custody of the district;
- Security against unreasonable searches and seizures;
- The substantive constitutional rights listed in WAC 392-400-215, subject to reasonable limitations upon the time, place, and manner of exercising such rights consistent with the maintenance of an orderly and efficient educational process within limitations set by law, including the right to:
- Freedom of speech and press;
- Peaceably assemble;
- Petition the government and its representatives for a redress of grievances;
- The free exercise of religion and to have their schools free from sectarian control or influence; and
- Participate in the development of rules and regulations to which they are subject and to be instructed on rules and regulations that affect them;
- Establish appropriate channels to voice their opinions in the development of curriculum;
- Representation on advisory committees affecting students and student rights;
- Present petitions, complaints, or grievances to school authorities and the right to prompt replies;
- Consult with teachers, counselors, administrators and other school personnel at reasonable times;
- Be involved in school activities, provided they meet the reasonable qualifications of the sponsoring organizations;
- Free election of their peers in student government and the right to hold office;
- Know the requirements of the course of study, be informed about and know upon what basis grades will be determined;
- Citizenship privileges as determined by the United States and Washington State Constitution and its amendments; and
- Annual information pertaining to the district’s rules and regulations regarding students, discipline and rights.
Parent Involvement
Family Access
Family Access is a web-based tool designed to give parents/guardians and students access to student information to support achievement. Students and parent/guardians each have their own access.
Need help with your access or need to access tutorials?
- Attendance
- Grades/Academic Progress/Test Scores
- Class Schedules & Teacher Contacts
- Lunch Balances
- Conference Scheduling
- And much more!
Volunteers are a vital part of our students' education. To volunteer in a school during the school year, an application must be completed online. All volunteers must receive clearance through the Washington Access to Criminal History (WATCH) before volunteering. Clearance is granted for one school year only.
Volunteers can work directly with the office or a classroom teacher, with our Booster Club, or with our Counselor through our Watch D.O.G.S and M.O.M.S program.
School Procedures
- Cell Phones
- Class Schedule
- Co-Curricular Opportunities
- Emergency Closure
- Grounds & Building Upkeep
- Personal Property at School
- Program Entry
- Transportation
- Use of YHS Facilities
Cell Phones
Class Schedule
School is in session according to the schedule below Monday through Thursday. Students may arrange with their teacher to attend on Fridays. All students are asked to abide by the schedule discussed with their teacher. We are an open campus during scheduled breaks and lunch time only.
Morning Session
7:45 - 9:10 1st Period
9:10 - 9:25 BREAK
9:25 - 10:30 2nd Period
10:30 – 11:15 LUNCH BREAK
Afternoon Session
11:15 - 12:30 3rd Period
12:30 - 12:45 BREAK
12:45 - 2:00 4th Period
Co-Curricular Opportunities
Any student attending YES and fulfilling regular eligibility requirements may join in any co-curricular activity offered by the high school on the main campus – clubs, societies, sports, student dances, etc. Be sure to inform your team leader if you wish to take part in any of these activities. He/she will assist you in contacting the advisor/coach at the high school.
Emergency Closure
View Flash Alert for today's status OR to subscribe to receive text or email alerts
Sometimes during the school year, we face the possibility of inclement weather resulting in school closure or schedule changes. Typically, families will be notified of emergency schedule changes by an automated phone call, email and/or text. We will announce closures and delays as early as possible but not later than 5:30 a.m. Occasionally circumstances change quickly and late announcements are unavoidable. The following information is for reference in the event that the schools are closed or buses operate on an emergency schedule:
- School Closure: All schools will be closed all day and any activities planned for the day or evening will be announced by 12pm on the district website.
- Emergency Schedule: Indicates that schools will start on a delayed schedule. Parents are reminded that although the buses will start the runs later, if we are on an emergency schedule, the buses may be slightly later near the end of the run. We request that parents make allowances for this.
- Limited Transportation: Limited transportation will prevail if some roads become inaccessible or if the county announces road closures. If we alter a route, we will send an automated message. School will be in session unless otherwise announced by the Superintendent’s Office.
Stay informed about Emergency Closures & Delays by
- Signing up for FLASH ALERT to receive an email notification.
- Updating your Family Access email and home & cell numbers
- Opting In for Text Messaging (Text YES to 67587)
- Following Yelm Community Schools social media platforms
- Visiting the district website for detailed information and updates
- Tuning in to other media outlets
It is requested that parents/guardians do not call the media stations for closure information.
AM Stations | FM Stations | TV Stations |
KGTK 920
KOMO 1000
KGY 1240
KITZ 1400
KPLU 88.5
KMPS 94.1
KXXO 96.1
KGY 96.9
KIRO 97.3
KRWM 106.9
Grounds & Building Upkeep
Students and staff are expected to keep the YES campus looking good, a place to be proud of. We are committed to being good neighbors in our community. Be respectful and clean up after yourself. Please, as a matter of habit, put any trash in the waste baskets and recycling bins. Custodians for our building have limited time and are not instructed to pick up loose trash left lying around. It’s up to us to keep our own workplace clean.
Personal Property at School
Fort Stevens is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items brought to school from home. Please have your child keep personal items such as toys, sports equipment, electronics, or cell phones at home.
Cell Phones/Smart Watches
Cell phones and smart watches must be kept off and in students’ backpacks during the school day. Students are not allowed to use their phones, take photos, or send voice or text messages, without staff permission.
Disciplinary actions may be taken based on the severity of the incident. Using phones to bully or harass other students (through recorded /spoken/written words or pictures) violates RCW 9A.36.080 and will result in disciplinary action. For further details regarding students and telecommunication devices, please refer to YCS School Board Policy 3245 on the district website @
Money and Valuables
Please do not allow students to bring more money to school than what is needed during the school day. Valuables, electronics (i.e. I Pods, MP3 players, DSs, etc.) are NOT allowed at school. These items will be kept in the office until a parent can pick them up. School personnel will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
Toys from home are not allowed at Fort Stevens.
Program Entry
Students within YSC Boundaries
Students that have an interest in attending YES will be required to complete the following process. They should first schedule a meeting with their high school counselor at YHS. As a part of this meeting, students will be asked to reflect on their motivations for attending YES. The student will complete a Student Reflection form. The Counselor will fill out the Student Matriculation Plan and send to the Principal for approval. If it is determined that YES could be an appropriate placement for the student, the student will be contacted to set up a meeting with a designated staff member. As a part of this meeting, the student will learn about the policies and procedures of YES, and equally as important, the strategies and behaviors that will ensure success in the program.
Students Outside of YCS Boundaries:
New students are taken in at the beginning of each term, as space permits. Completion of the YES Entry Program is required prior to full enrollment.
Note: Out of district applicants must receive a release from the Superintendent of the “home” school district before they can be actively enrolled at YES.
The checklist for enrollment at YES is as follows:
_____ (1) A written release from current school/district (if you reside out of the Yelm School District)
_____ (2) A (3141 F) Yelm Community Schools acceptance
_____ (3) Immunization form (completed) on file at YES or at YHS
_____ (4) Up-to-date transcript on file at YES
_____ (5) Enrollment forms completed
_____ (6) Personal interview completed
_____ (7) Payment of any outstanding fines from any school
_____ (8) Withdrawal grades
_____ (9) Credit evaluation
YES students living in the Yelm School District may ride the buses to school. For further details contact the YES office or the transportation office 360.458.3300. Dual-enrolled students are required to find their own transportation to and from each school.
*For your safety, it is critical that you use only the designated crosswalks at all times.
Use of YHS Facilities
Student Learning
- Academic Program
- District Technology Access
- Graduation Requirements
- High School & Beyond Plan
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
- School Work Policy
- State Testing Requirements
- Cheating
Academic Program
You will be evaluated regularly, a process designed to encourage responsibility and accountability – both vital skills in today’s job market. We believe the learning of responsibility and self-discipline will better prepare YES students to successfully compete in the world of work, now and in their future.
School success is dependent on your successful completion of a minimum number of hours of course work and on attending as scheduled. At YES, progress toward course completion is counted by the staff and student every week. Each full-time student is expected to complete at least 30 27.75 hours of course work each week. To be considered academically successful in the Yelm School District, a full-time student should complete two courses per term. This is what is required to remain on track for graduation. In order to accomplish this, homework is a must. If the student fails to make satisfactory progress an intervention plan will be developed and implemented within five days. The intervention plan will be developed by certificated instructional staff in collaboration with the students. If after three consecutive evaluations, the student is not making progress, a plan will be developed and implemented to more appropriately address the student’s unique educational circumstances. Those who do not improve will face removal from the program. Students may be offered a temporary educational program. It is limited to students who have not been substantially successful in their attempts and subsequent interventions in our regular alternative program. It is intended as a short-term solution for students to allow the time necessary for other educational options to become available. The curriculum students may take is restricted to one course and a maximum of one term.
To reach your academic goals, it is extremely important that you ask for help if you need it. This is your responsibility. In the event any coursework seems to significantly slow down your progress, you need to be sure to make your team leader aware of the difficulty.
Progress reviews will be made available to you and your family once each month. Most classes taken must be completed within the term. Credit will not be received for courses not completed.
District Technology Access
The district is dedicated to promoting and instilling principles of digital citizenship and media literacy in students and encourages guardians to play an active role in the process of educating students. While the district takes great care to monitor and filter inappropriate websites, students are expected to be responsible users of their access and the educational technology tools made available. For a complete list of Student Responsible Use Guidelines, review the Student Rights and Responsibility Handbook and/or Policy and Procedure 2022/P on the district website,
Students will be given a unique user login and password to access educational technology tools. The login portal icon is available at the top of the school and district website for students to access at school or home. It is essential students keep this information private to ensure security of their school files and online accounts.
Graduation Requirements
High School & Beyond Plan
Students develop a plan for meeting the high school graduation requirements and for connecting successfully to their next steps in life. The plan is started in middle school and is updated at least annually to reflect changes in a student’s interests. The HSBP is used as a guide to help students select courses throughout high school and prepare them for whatever they plan after graduating.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
The vision of Yelm Community Schools is to prepare ALL students for post-secondary pathways, careers, and civic engagement.
A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a service delivery framework focused on prevention and problem solving for all students. An integrated MTSS connects all of the academic and non-academic interventions, supports, and services available in schools and communities to support instruction and eliminate barriers to learning and teaching. Within an MTSS framework, multiple levels of instruction, assessment, and intervention are designed to meet the academic and non-academic needs of ALL students.
Essential Components of an MTSS Framework
- Core Instruction and Tiered Continuum of Evidence-based Interventions and Supports (Tier I, II, III)
- Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring
- Data-based Decision Making
- Family Engagement and Community Partnerships
- Creating and maintaining the infrastructure to support an integrated MTSS Framework
School Work Policy
You are expected to complete quality work, assess this work and be part of the evaluation process with your instructor as progress is made toward course completion. This includes handwriting that is legible and content that shows thought and organization.
School work is expected to be turned in on time. Courses have weekly due dates for daily work/activities and tests. As the work is ready to be turned in, you will work with the staff to correct the daily work. Assignments and activities listed on your independent study contracts must be done in order, unless otherwise indicated by your team leader. Do not skip around on the assignment sheets without your team leader’s approval. Tests must be done immediately upon completion of the material studied. You will not be allowed to “save them up” to take all at once at the end of the course.
Head each of your papers, even though several are stapled together. Clearly show your full name (first and last), date, course name, assignment and page number.
Daily work and homework will be graded as “pass” or “not passing.” Any unsatisfactory school work/activity must be reworked/redone, in order to receive a passing grade. Tests, essays, reports, and projects are graded on a percentage basis, and you must score at least 65 percent to pass. All tests and quizzes must be done in person, in the classroom.
State Testing Requirements
Students are currently required to take state approved tests in reading, writing, math and science. Refer to the table below for the requirements of each graduation class. Those students not meeting standard on the first attempt will have future testing options or alternatives. More information is available on the Assessment website.
Graduating Year |
Testing Requirements |
Class of 2019 and Beyond |
Grade 10 Smarter Balanced English Lanuage Arts (ELA) |
Grade 10 Smarter Balanced Math |
Grade 11 WCAS |
As defined by Webster’s Random House College Dictionary ©1998 “to take an examination in a dishonest way, as by having improper access to answers.” At YHS, this includes assignments as well as examinations.
EXAMPLES OF CHEATING: Copying homework, looking at another’s test, quiz or class work, letting someone look at a test, quiz or class work, using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to complete and/or submit work, and using other secretive methods of giving answers for tests, quizzes or assignments.
As defined by The Shorter New Oxford English Dictionary ©1993 “The action or fact of plagiarizing a work, idea, author, etc.: literary theft; an act or instance of this.” To plagiarize is to “take and use as one’s own (the thoughts, writings, inventions, etc., of another person); copy (literary work, ideas, etc.) improperly or without acknowledgement; pass of the thoughts, work, etc, of (another person) as one’s own.
EXAMPLES OF PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism can include but is not limited to copying homework, looking at another’s test, quiz or class work, letting someone look at a test, quiz or class work, using other secretive methods of giving answers for tests, quizzes or assignments, taking papers from the internet, cutting and pasting pieces of work from the internet, and copying or paraphrasing from a book or internet without giving proper citation.
Any acts of cheating or plagiarism may result in a failing grade on the assignment/assessment and/or be subject to disciplinary action. Repeated acts of cheating/plagiarism will result in disciplinary action to include suspension.
Student Support & Services
Food Service & Meals
Meal Service
Breakfast is available for all students daily from 7:10 am to 7:45 am. Lunch is served daily from 10:30am to 11:15am. During that time you are free to eat lunch off campus. Be sure to be back on time for class.
Vending machines with snacks and beverages are available in the building. We will not make change, so please plan ahead.
Meal Costs
Please check the website for an updated fee schedule.
Free and Reduced Meals
Meal benefits are available to families that meet income guidelines. Free and Reduced applications are available online through Skyward Family Access. Paper applications are available at school upon request or on our Food Service website.
If you have questions regarding your child’s meal account, please contact your school. For assistance with Free and Reduced application, please contact the district Food Service Department at 360.400.1151.
Online Payments
As a convenience to families, Yelm Community Schools provides an easy way to make online payments from home or work, 24/7. With just one login, you can make payments for any child in your household using Discover, VISA, or MasterCard credit or debit cards.
Online payments can be used to replenish a student’s food service account or pay for any existing fines or fees, such as class fees, athletic fees, or ASB activities.
Yelm Community Schools is fully compliant with all data protection laws, including PCI Data Security Standards. Yelm School District does not store your billing or payment information at any time. Any personal information you enter related to your credit card through this website is purged immediately. Any contact information you enter is stored for your convenience when using our website. Information you provide to us will only be used by Yelm Community Schools. We will never sell or rent your personal information to third parties.
Health Information
Common Health Care Procedures
Accident or Head Trauma: Parents will be notified regarding any incident that necessitates an accident report. In addition, any student who suffers trauma to the head at school will be assessed in the health room and parents will be notified.
Allergy Accommodations: Latex Allergy - Yelm Community Schools prohibits the use of all latex products, including latex balloons, due to severe allergies. Peanut Allergy - Please refrain from sending any peanut products due to severe allergies.
Diarrhea: Any student who has been having diarrhea will be sent home and may return to school when they have been free of diarrhea for 24 hours.
Fever: Any student with a fever of 100.4 or higher will be sent home and may return to school once the child has been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Injury: If any child has an injury that prohibits them from participating in PE or other school activities, a note from the physician is needed to excuse participation. Please be sure the doctor includes when student can return to normal activity or provide a separate note.
Lice: The Infectious Disease Control Guide no longer recommends long-term exclusion for pediculosis/head lice. Head lice is a nuisance condition and is not known to transmit infection from person to person. Any student who presents with live lice will be sent home for treatment. Students may return to school when no live lice are present.
Rash: Any student with an undiagnosed rash will be sent home from school in order to be evaluated by a healthcare provider. The parent/guardian will be asked to provide a note from a healthcare provider upon return to school.
Vomiting: Any student who has been vomiting will be sent home and may return to school when they have not vomited in 24 hours.
Life Threatening Illness
If your child has an illness, which has the potential to cause death during the school day YCS must be made aware prior to the student’s first day of school. Examples of these conditions would be seizures, diabetes, allergies requiring an Epi Pen, severe asthma and/or any other condition that is considered to be life threatening. Parents/guardians are responsible to report this information to the Registered Nurse assigned to that school. Parents/guardians must provide the medication in its original container along with the medication authorization form prior to the first day of school. Students will be excluded from school until these requirements are met. (RCW 28A.210.320, District Policy 3413)
In order to protect children against a number of childhood diseases, Washington State Law requires that all children enrolled to YCS be immunized against varicella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, rubella, mumps and hepatitis b as appropriate. Parents may submit the Exemption from Immunization form. However, students will be excluded from school if they do not meet the requirements of the law. (RCW 28A.210.060, District Policy 3413)
Infectious Disease
In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases YCS will comply with the State Board of Health rules and regulations within the most current Infectious Disease Control Guide, provided by the State Department of Health and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. (District Policy 3414.
YCS requires signed authorization forms for the dispensing of any prescription or non-prescription medicines to students. Forms must be signed by the physician as well as the parent/guardian and are available from the office. Physicians may fax this information to our school at 360.458.6315. All medications must be delivered to and picked up from the school by the parent/guardian in the original container. Most medications can be dispensed by the parent/guardian before or after school. Please ask your healthcare provider for guidance on medication delivery times. (RCW 28A.210.260 & 270, District Policy 3416)